
crime. A) contradicted 5. Alan was dumbfounded by the news that he had passed the entrance exam. A) astonished C) delightedB) by C) in B) missed C) less B) clap C) noise C) providing B) as long as B) with C) into C) a person B) whose C) an instant B) a wink B) infer C) suggest B) must have done B) annoyed B) pushed me sharply B) comfort B) reinforced B) unsurprised D) onD) inD) a spotD) delineateC) should have done D) ought to doneC) peaceC) weakened−14−B. Choose the correct answer to fill in the blank, and write A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet. Only one answer is correct. 1. Oh, what’s the word I’m looking for! It’s ( ) the tip of my tongue. A) at 2. Have you seen a coffee cup anywhere? We seem to be one ( ). A) minus D) short3. There was a flash of lightning followed by a ( ) of thunder. A) bang D) crush4. I won’t be able to finish this job on time ( ) someone helps me. A) in case D) unless5. When I go to university I’d like to specialize ( ) Greek philosophy. A) on 6. I don’t know ( ) responsible for this damage, but somebody is. A) who’s D) people7. I’m so tired today. I didn’t get ( ) of sleep last night. A) a hint 8. If you were to study more diligently, your grades ( ). A) will improve B) will be improving C) would improve D) might have improved9. I can ( ) from the look on your face that you don’t approve of the idea. A) imply 10. The police ( ) something at that time; it’s too late now. A) should do C. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word or expression in each sentence, and write A, B, or C on your answer sheet. Only one answer is correct.1. I was fazed by her question and couldn’t come up with an answer.C) hurt A) confused 2. I fell asleep during class but after my classmate nudged me, I woke up. A) kicked me gently C) pushed me gently3. After she lost her husband, she looked for solace in her religion to help her recover. A) solitude 4. The case against the accused was bolstered by the evidence of an actual witness to the

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