
Shoei returnees take four lessons a week with two native English speakers. These four hours are divided into two courses: a specialized writing and presentation planning course that meets once a week, and a four skills course that meets three times a week which covers reading, grammar, speaking and short writing assignments. Each course has a slightly different focus for each grade. Junior high school first year students are exposed to a wide range of materials, including several short stories and two novels for additional challenge. Book report presentations and debate skills are covered in detail as well. Junior high school second year students explore the natural world in English by reading social and natural science texts. They work on several projects throughout the year covering topics such as exploration of remote places, endangered species, and astronomy. In their third year, students expand their speaking and writing skills by thoroughly researching various topics for a student produced magazine. The magazine presents an interesting perspective on how students and their tastes have changed over the years. Students continue to be given guidance on how to express their opinions and ideas in writing and speaking in the form of presentations related to topics that the students themselves choose. In this way our returnees reinforce their confidence while they expand their understanding of the English language and maximize their communicative ability through writing, speaking, and research in English.−30−帰国生の英語の授業について(中学校)Native Speaker教員の授業週3時間のFour Skills Courseと週1時間のWriting and Presentation Courseがあります。Four Skills Course英語の4技能(Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing)をバランスよく教え、実践するためのコースです。全学年共通テキストに加え、各担当者が選んだ教材を使用し、生徒のレベルや興味に合った授業を展開するよう、心掛けています。Writing and Presentation Course中学1年生で、収集した情報を取捨選択する力や、自分の考えを分かりやすく伝えるための構成力に加え、アイ・コンタクト等の一般的なプレゼンテーション・スキルを身に付けます。中学2年生では、学内のスピーチ・コンテストに向けてまとまった文章を書き、大勢の前で発表する力を身に付けます。中学3年生では、長めのエッセイや、フィクションに取り組みます。

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